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Campbell Dissects Norman, Mt. Albert and the Green/Nats Deal

April 27, 2009

Gordon Campbell has a good opinion piece on the Green Party decision to stand Russel Norman in the Mt. Albert By-Election and links it to the Green/National Party Memorandum of Understanding. He discusses the implications on the relationship between the Green Party and the Labour Party as well as the affect the deal might have on Green Voters.

“The Greens have been denying the relevance of the old left/right spectrum to their concerns. Certainly, the Clark government’s control freak treatment of them gave the Greens little cause for lingering affection towards Labour. Yet the Greens are walking a mighty fine line here. Flirting with the National government has to deliver for them big time – bigger even than its dalliances with Labour – in order to justify the bouquet it is proferring.”

Indeed, next election the Greens will have to justify their gains against all of the National Party’s policies that negatively impact on Green Voters. A big risk.

The Greens will have only themselves to blame if they do muddy their brand. What can look like smart, hard nose politics for other parties can cause lasting damage to a party that has based its identity on a reputation for virtue. Virtue-based parties just can’t afford to fool around.

 There is also a credibility issue – Even if the Greens do happen to attack the RMA changes as resolutely as one would expect, will there not now be an element of ‘methinks they protest too much’ about their stance – given that we now know they have their home insulation deal with those very same rogues already in the bag?” This could also impact every time the Greens take an opposing view to National.  While they claim they are free to continue as opposition they are flirting with the no-man’s land area that has spelled the doom of many minor parties. They do a few deals, make a little noise but fade because they cannot present a concerted and clear vision to voters because of the perception of being a drifting party, a kind of bargaining playmate for either of the major parties rather than a Principled Vision-Orientated, Independent Party.

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